
Showing posts with label conservative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conservative. Show all posts

Monday, 2 April 2012

Philosiphy & Maybe A Future For Society.

I was wanting to write about the Budget and it's injustices, but try as I might, it would just never work out right. Then, out of nowhere, this happened... I hope you feel stirred to comment... Good OR Bad, I won't be hurt or offended, just don't be rude, but do be honest. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, and this is mine...

One of these days, I may put my thoughts on the budget to "paper", but not just now. I feel this is where we need to start... 

Realistically, I am more interested in your disagreements and criticisms than the positives, as only with debate and differing viewpoints can the pitfalls, weaknesses and details be rounded. If it stands up, we might have something. (Although, on a personal basis, I do hope one or two of you feel moved to make a positive comment.)


What the budget did do for me, was to encourage me to look beyond the rhetoric and promises (broken and yet to be broken), as well as the spin centred "Publicity Machines" that drive and buy elections today. This political process can leave even the best intentioned politicians, firmly "in hock" to their new sponsors. I will say that in my mind, I fully understand why the budget was what it was and why, a big claim I know. But, understanding is not to be confused with sympathy, or even remotely an acceptance. 

My idea will need many additional aspects, input and changes to have a chance to succeed so throw in your comments, ideas and opinions... We have more minds put together than any government. Lets turn this into a working model...